Your supply chain is a fickle beast—it requires an administrator who understands the subtle and not-so-subtle quirks and complexities than can exhibit from day to day. However, the demand for these...
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Confederate Monuments & Revisionism; Why did the United States allow memorials of enemy combatants?
With the protests unfolding around the United States at the moment, it is a curious time to be watching this all from the outside locked away in another country's Covid-19 quarantine. These events...
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In a previous post, I introduced you to Instagram and ways that it could be used as a tool for your marketing. However, one unavoidable trait of Instagram is that it was designed as a mobile-based...
So your company or brand has decided to embrace the trend of social media in an effort to extend its branding into further online markets. You’ve created a Facebook Page. You secured your desired...
An intriguing new trend has been occurring in the business facet of social media. Hashtags (#), those strange little number signs people online have been putting in front of words for the last decade...